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User guide for Source-Connect for Talent - an application made especially for voice and music performers connecting with studios.
OPEN GUIDEUser guide for Source-Connect for Studios - an application made especially for studios and artists requiring high-definition audio, including surround sound.
OPEN GUIDEBelow you will find answers to the most common questions you may have on Source-Connect 4. Feel free to check out the user guides for more information.
GO TO ARTICLETake a look at, download, or even print our quick reference quick sheets for Source-Connect 4.0 and the Source-Connect plugin.
OPEN QUICK SHEETSGet help when you need it - if you have a subscription of active support contract you can get in touch with our support technicians to assist you.
GO TO ARTICLEIn this playlist, you will find tutorials, small samples and tips & tricks to get the best performance out of our software. Navigate to the Source-Connect 4 collection for our latest version.