Source-Connect Pro and Zero Tier One VPN
This article is part of the Source-Connect Pro and Pro X 3.9 User Guide
Source-Connect Pro supports the free Zero Tier One® VPN application. This allows you to make a secure connection over most firewalled networks without requiring any previous setup.
What is Zero Tier One?
Zero Tier One is an affordable subscription-based, easy-to-use VPN (Virtual Private Network). It runs on your computer in the background and it enables you to make a secure, private connection to any other Source-Connect Pro user. Zero Tier One is the perfect companion for traveling with your Source-Connect Pro setup to connect back to the studio or to an ISDN bridging service.
Install Zero Tier One
You will need to have Zero Tier installed, and have either a free user or a subscription license.
ZeroTier: download the application on this website. If you wish to purchase a license, access their Pricing website.
Keep in mind that using Zero Tier One might create a virtual adapter (in addition to your Ethernet and your WiFi adapters) on your Network settings. This adapter will have its own IPv4, among other things.
If you see this adapter on Windows or Mac, please disable it and continue with the configuration.
Using Zero Tier One and Source-Connect Pro
This guide is to show you how to use VPN Mode with Zero Tier One. You should already have Zero Tier installed and be ready to connect.
- Source-Connect Pro or Pro X (version 3.9)
- Zero Tier
Verify your Zero Tier One connection
First, you need to ensure that you have Zero Tier connected. Your window should look something like this:

Verify the following:
- Verify that you have connected to a VPN network.
- Verify that you have added your connection partner to the list of VPN members.
Access the ZeroTier Knowledge Base if you need help setting up your VPN.
Connecting with Zero Tier One and Source-Connect Pro
- Close and re-open Source-Connect. If you already had Source-Connect open while configuring ZeroTier.
- Enter VPN mode Click on 'VPN mode'. It is not necessary to enter your login details.
- Select your ZeroTier address.
- Click on the Advanced > Local IP menu in Source-Connect and choose the ZeroTier IP address.
- Enter your contact's ZeroTier IP address in the "Contacts" section.
- Enter the port number for your connection partner.
- Ping your connection partner's address to verify that the configuration is working correctly.
- Click on the 'Connect' button at the top of the plug-in window. Your contact MUST have followed the above instructions 1-6.
- You are now connected via the ZeroTier VPN private network. You can conduct sessions as normal, including using Remote Transport Sync and Audio-Restore and Replace functionality.