Selecting your Talkback Microphone
Open the Talkback microphone dropdown menu to select your talkback microphone from the list of system audio devices. By default, this will be set to “SAME AS SYSTEM”, which will use whatever your system audio input device is currently set to.

Using a Key Input as your Talkback Microphone
On Pro Tools and other similar DAWs, such as Logic or Nuendo, the key input selector (or side-chain input) within a plugin allows you to select audio on a particular input to trigger the effects of the plugin. This is particularly useful if, for example, if you have an HDX, or, for Pro Tools, if you want to use a microphone from the Pro Tools hardware itself. Those devices will not show up on the Talkback microphone dropdown because that list only shows CoreAudio devices.
To use the key input/side-chain from the plugin as your talkback mic, open the Talkback mic dropdown and select “USE KEY INPUT”. After selecting it, all new instances of the Source-Nexus Review plugin will automatically default to this input, so you will only need to set it one time.

Once you select your key input, you will see a green line appearing between the key input and the talkback microphone section.
Configuring your Key Input on your DAW
Make sure to still configure the side chain on your DAW after choosing “USE KEY INPUT” on your plugin.
On Logic, for example, the selection of the side chain input is in the top-right hand corner of the plugin window:

On Pro Tools, the key input selection is instead in the top-left corner of the plugin window.