Comprehensive Q Manager interface overview with Source-Connect 3.9 Pro
This article is part of the Source-Connect Pro and Pro X 3.9 User Guide
This section is a complete overview of all available options in the "Settings" menu of the Q Manager and what you can do with each setting.
Settings Panel

1. Status and Login
Choose which Login mode to use. If your login details are correct you will see that the Q Manager successfully logs in with Status: Online. The Q Manager will take 5-30 seconds to login, depending on the availability of your FTP service.
2. Session folder
Your Session folder is very important – you must select the folder you are going to be recording into or the Q Manager will not be able to detect the files to be processed. Choose the Audio Files folder of your Pro Tools session. You can either click the Choose button and find your Audio Files folder in the dialog that pops up, or you can drag the folder from your Finder window.
Once you have chosen your Session folder, any newly recorded files will be processed automatically by the Q Manager. If you have existing files that you would like processed, press Rescan All and see your Activity – Requests panel for details.
This option is useful for when you have existing files in your Audio Files folder which require processing. For example, you may not have restored or replaced your Source-Connect recorded files, or there may have been an error which required a reboot, for example.
Rescan all files can also be used to reload a session which contains multiple files for which processing has been delayed for some reason, for example you are using FTP mode and you wish to Replace all files at the end of the day in a batch.
3. Delete all upload session data
Each time that you establish a session where your connection partner has selected Restore and/or Replace, Source-Connect will immediately begin storing all session data in compressed and/or PCM form. This can quickly fill a hard drive: at the rate of 56MB per hour for Restore and 700MB per hour for Replace.
The Q Manager helps you keep track of your hard drive availability by letting you know when you have less than 20% available.
You can choose to delete this stored upload data at any time, and once you have deleted this data your connection partner will not be able to request any Restore or Replace processes. Please ensure that your connection partner has received everything they need before you delete this data.
If you choose to delete your session data while connected, your current session will not be deleted. This can be useful if you find you are running out of drive space and cannot reestablish the session.
4. Advanced
Additional settings are available under Advanced:
Q data folder
The default location for the Q data folder where all your upload stored data is saved to is:
/Library/Application Support/Source-elements/Q data/
You can choose to store this data in any location, however we strongly suggest that you set this once and leave it. If the Q Manager attempts to send Restore or Replace data to your connection partner, and this folder location has been changed, the process will fail.
Send status notifications to Source-Connect IM
For each available recorded file in your Audio Files folder, the status of the file can be sent as an IM message to your Source-Connect Instant Messaging panel. This can be useful for quickly monitoring the status of your recorded files. Note that this feature requires that you are logging into Source-Connect as the same username as entered in the Q Manager. For example, if you are logged in as ‘username’ in the Q Manager, you cannot be logged in as ‘username*b’ in Source-Connect or you will not receive the IM messages. If this is the case, the next time you login as ‘username’ into Source-Connect your IM messages will be shown to you.
Start with Source-Connect
If this is checked, the Q Manager will always launch automatically with Source-Connect. If you are not intending to use the Q Manager in any way, for example you use Source-Connect primarily for bridging, you can disable this option.
5. Q Manager version
This shows your installed version of the Q Manager. Source Elements periodically releases updates, so if you are having any issues please contact Support with this information.
6. Shutdown Q
Press this to shut down the Q Manager. You can also Quit via the icon on the Dock, or use the File menu. Once the Q Manager is shut down, any requests made to you from your connection partner will not be communicated and they will receive a process error.