Source Elements and Sub-Accounts
What's a Sub-Account?
Source Elements sub-accounts build on the previous concept of multi-connect to allow a single company to streamline their use of any Source Elements application by creating an individual account for each user or machine, thus allowing each user to keep their sessions separate while still retaining control over the main account. All sub-accounts will share the same contact list and profile.
Each sub-account requires a unique product license purchased from the store.
For example, let us suppose you are an administrator. You belong to a company with 10 users who all require access to Source-Connect, and you want each user to have their own account tied to a “parent” account.

You will need 10 Source-Connect licenses in order to assign each user their own license. If you as an admin also require a license, you will need 11 licenses.
Creating a Sub-Account
You can create a sub-account by going to the user dashboard and accessing the Sub-Accounts panel:

When you click “Create”, the dashboard will display how many licenses are available.

Managing Sub-Accounts
Once you’ve created the sub-account, there are 4 settings you can modify as a user:

- Assign additional license: sub-accounts can have one or more eligible licenses (Source-Nexus Suite and Source-Live).
- Delete sub-account: the sub-account will be permanently deleted.
- Rename sub-account: this allows you to rename an account after it has been created.
- Change password: this will allow users to set a password different from the main account password.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Can I use these sub-accounts in Source-Connect 3?
A: Yes, Source-Connect 3 will recognise these sub-account logins; however, it will only accept the host’s main password. This is how Multi-Connect works at present.
Q: Can I create a sub-account with a trial?
A: No, you can only use a subscription purchased from the store and assigned to your main account
Q: What is the maximum account name length?
A: Account length limits at 25 characters including your main account username, the asterisk, and the sub-account name. If you have a long main username, our support team will be able to rename your account to a shorter username.