Changing Microphone Inputs in Source-Nexus Gateway
This article is part of the Source-Nexus Gateway User Guide
Your input into the Source-Nexus Gateway can be changed in two ways.
Through the Audio Input section
The first option is found by clicking the gears icon at the bottom. This will open up the Chat Settings section, where you can change your audio input from the MICROPHONE / AUDIO INPUT section.

This will open up a dropdown where you can select a temporary input based on your computers installed devices.

Through the browser
To change your microphone input permanently, navigate to Chrome’s address bar (where you type in website urls) and click on the small camera icon on the right side or the bar.

The “Microphone” drop down box will allow you to select your audio input based on the devices your computer has installed.
When changing your input, chrome the web page will reload, but the session will automatically reconnect for any parties involved.
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