Logging into the Source-Nexus Gateway as a host
This article is part of the Source-Nexus Gateway User Guide
You can reach the Source-Nexus Gateway login page from the Source Elements website when you navigate to the following URL: https://nexus.source-elements.com/
Here you will see the Source-Nexus Gateway home page, which features information on Source-Nexus Gateway and its features, a requirements area, and the ability to log in and begin using Source-Nexus Gateway.
Click the “Login to start a new session” button, then enter your account information in the sign-in box to log into Source-Nexus Gateway. The “show” button with the small eye label will allow you to switch between hidden characters for privacy, and exposed characters, which you can use to check your password if you experience issues logging in.
When you’ve entered your correct account and password, click the “Start session” button. This will direct you to set your quality and passkey (through the settings section). Select your channels (mono or stereo) and quality using the dropdown box. These can be changed during your session as well (See the Configuring your Chat Settings article).

After choosing your desired audio quality, enter the password you wish to have for your session by clicking “Show All Settings” and going to “General”. This is not the password to your Source Elements account. This is a password, along with your account name, that your guests will use to sign in and connect to your session. You can choose any password for your session. When you’ve finished setting the guest password, click the “OK” button to initiate your Source-Nexus Gateway session.