Using the Talkback Switch
When working with talent at your studio or remotely via Source-Nexus Review, you probably want to listen to the connection over your speakers rather than over your headphones. This means that your connected partners will hear themselves back in your microphone, making it difficult for them to speak.
After you drop the Source-Nexus Review plugin on your DAW of choice, you will notice that the Talkback is latched open by default. Press and hold the backslash key (“\”) to open your talkback, and release it to close. Clicking the talkback button will latch the talkback open. When using the backslash key to control your talkback, channels with dim enabled will be automatically dimmed.
If you wish to enable or disable the key command, right click over the talkback switch. You can also learn a new key command for the talkback by clicking “Learn New Key Command” and immediately pressing a new key:

You will see a message similar to the one below - where we assigned T for the talkback function:

The global DIM will be turned on automatically when the Talkback is open so your talkback audio is more audible than the mix channel’s audio. You can turn the dim off by clicking Shift + Down, or by clicking the button.