Peak Hold & Clipping indicator in Source-Nexus Router
On Source-Nexus Router, you will see a vertical line on the audio device to indicate the highest level caught by the application. This is called the “peak hold”. In the case of stereo or surround devices, they will show up as single pixel dots.

On the other hand, the red clipping indicator on Source-Nexus Router indicates that the level of audio being played through the channel strip has surpassed the level that digital audio can handle. If the level meter moves into the orange or red areas of the meter, you are likely to experience sound distortions and a lower quality for your signal.
The picture above, for example, shows an example of a source audio device that is too loud on the “External Microphone” source audio device. It is more than likely that your destination device will also display a peak hold at some point if your source audio device does.
You can take action to solve any clipping issues depending on where the clipping is occurring:
- If only the input is clipping, then you will need to adjust the input gain. In the screenshot above (an External Microphone), you can adjust the gain in the system audio settings. A different interface will have gain controls for each input on the hardware.
- If only the output is clipping, you can use the fader on the destination audio device.
Note: if the input is clipping and you adjust the output, you may still hear the distortions caused by the input, they will just be lower in volume.
Once you’re ready to continue, click the red indicator to remove it. Be aware that the indicator might appear again if there is any additional clipping.