Quick Start: Source-RTL Creator and Player
This article is part of the Source-RTL 1.0 User Guide
Remote TimeLine Quick start: version 1.0.3
Source-RTL Remote TimeLine Creator & Player is a very simple RTS-enabled (Remote Transport Sync) application that allows for remote ADR where the talent does not need a DAW. The only requirement is Source-Connect Standard or Pro on both sides. The talent does not need any application open except for Source-Connect & the RTL Player.
This article serves as a very quick overview. This product is in rapid development so new features are being added quickly, we welcome your feedback as to what you need to see so you can take advantage of this workflow.
Engineer side
- Set your frame rate in your DAW to match your project.
- Drag the video you want to send to the talent to the Creator window.
- Set the time in Hours, Minutes, Seconds and Frames when that movie will play so it matches your DAW session.
- Click on the "Create Player App" button. An archive will be created in the location you specify.
- Transfer this archive to your talent using any file transfer service.
If you use Dropbox to transfer your file, make sure you add ?dl=1 when sending the Dropbox link or instruct your talent to download the file from the top right-hand side of the Dropbox window.
For detailed information, check out this article.
Talent side
- Unarchive the zip file. Do NOT move the application from the folder.
- Right-click on the application to open it. On Catalina, you will need to allow permissions as this application is not yet Notarized.
- Optionally set the SMTPE fps menu (for visual verification only of sync between Source-Connect and the RTL player)
- Set the audio output device that the talent will use to listen to the videos or they can mute the audio if they choose.
For detailed information, check out this article.
- The Engineer must have ReWire and RTS properly configured (see RTS checklist).
- Use the ADR sync mode/Overdub Transport mode.
- The talent's video will start playing, and your Pro Tools transport will be delayed until the synced audio is returned via Source-Connect thus triggering your DAW to chase the talents picture.
- You will now hear the talent's audio in sync with your local video.
See the RTS Checklist that covers using ADR sync mode, along with resolving ReWire errors and a discussion on best practices:
- Rewire Checklist: https://support.source-elements.com/show/quickstart-checklist-for-sourceconnect-rts
- Using RTS with Pro Tools: https://support.source-elements.com/show/remote-transport-sync-rts-and-pro-tools
- Familiarity with Source-Connect and Remote Transport Sync is assumed on the engineer side. Please schedule a support session with us if training is needed.
- Many talent are on macOS 10.15 Catalina. See https://support.source-elements.com/show/sourceconnect-and-macos-catalina-1015 - It may be helpful to use a screen-sharing application to set up the talent until the application is notarized: some can find it difficult to open an un-notarized application in macOS Catalina 10.15.
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