Configuring your Settings in Source-Connect Talent
The “Settings” panel is available once you click the gears icon in the top right-corner of the screen. These settings are applied when you connect and changes are applied to any existing connections.
Users on the Studio/Facility version can change settings during ongoing calls using the connection settings panel in the “CONNECTIONS” tab.
When you access the menu, there are four sets of settings available:

AUDIO I/O settings:
- Input: the hardware or virtual device being used to send sound.
- Output: the hardware or virtual device being used to receive sound.
- MIDI IN: the MIDI device being used to send sound.
- MIDI OUT: the MIDI device being used to receive sound.
Send settings:
- Channels: mono (single-channel audio), stereo (dual-channel audio), or up to 24 channels.
- Quality: by default, set to “High”, the quality of the send sound (Low, Medium, High, Best).
Receive settings:
- Buffer: the buffer size will establish how long the audio data you are receiving is held in reserve to allow late data to catch up before it is played or heard. You should turn on the buffer if you are hearing dropouts in the audio and increase it to the highest value that works for you.
- Force Source-Stream: if enabled, the Source-Stream service will take care of routing the signal for you if you don't have the ability to establish a direct connection due to firewall-related issues.
General: the general settings are related to the way the Source-Connect application works and interacts with you.
- Auto-Login: when auto-login is checked, you are automatically logged in with your existing settings intact upon initializing Source-Connect. Each time you open a session with Source-Connect enabled, and auto-login checked, you will be automatically logged in and be ready to connect.