Restore/Replace Panel in Source-Connect 4: File Process Status
The status of the session s will be listed on the right side, in “Connections”. As seen in the picture above, some of the following status codes include:

- Preparing restore: Source-Connect has detected that a restore process is required, and is preparing the file.
- Restore - transferring: the restore process is waiting for data to be sent by your connection partner
- Restored: the restore process has been completed.
- Preparing replace: the replace process has been requested, and is preparing the file.
- Replace - transferring: the replace process is waiting for data to be sent by your connection partner
- Replaced: the replace process has been completed.
For each process, a progress bar will show to indicate the process is underway and the percentage of completion. Depending on the length of the recorded file and the transfer speed between you and the other side, the progress bar can be an indication of how much time the process will take. Note that there are many factors involved and the time required will vary depending on the size, bandwidth and requested process type. Restore processes are generally very fast. For Replace processes, a full replacement of the compressed audio is made with the full resolution PCM audio. Thus, the transfer of an entire Replace session may require some time.