Starting a multi-participant Session in Source-Connect for Talent
With Source-Connect 4, you can start Source-Connect sessions with more than one contact (formerly known as multi-connect in Source-Connect 3.9). Using a multi-participant session, you can create multiple connection points within one session to hook up with more than one location and/or send more than one channel simultaneously.
All versions of Source-Connect 4 can add up to 5 contacts (for a total of 6 participants, including yourself). All participants will use the input/microphone and output/headphone settings you have selected in your general Settings. You can use Source-Connect I/O or any coreaudio device.
To establish a connection, select the users you want to add in the “Contacts” panel (the contact card will display a green marker on the left border) and click “Connect”.

Upon accepting the connection request, all participants will be connected to the conference call, and your call details will be displayed in the CONNECTIONS tab.

All sessions can have up to 6 participants including the host, so you will be able to invite, or be invited to, 5 additional participants.
Once your connection partners joins the call, you will see the following indicators at the top of your screen:
- The SEND level meter, which displays your send level. If the meter moves into the orange or red areas of the meter, you are likely to experience sound distortions and a lower quality of your signal.
- The SEND peak hold: an indicator of the highest level caught by Source-Connect. In the case of stereo or surround, they will show up as single pixel dots.
- The SEND volume fader: the volume fader that can be used to adjust the output level of the channel. The amount of gain applied is displayed in the level display under the volume fader.
- The SEND clipping indicator: the red clipping indicator will stay red if there was any clipping in the audio you are sending to your connection partner.
- The SEND mute button: clicking this button will mute the output of the SEND channel.
- The RECEIVE level meter: displays your receive level. If the meter moves into the orange or red areas of the meter, you are likely to experience sound distortions and a lower quality of your signal.
- The RECEIVE peak hold: an indicator of the highest level caught by Source-Connect. In the case of stereo or surround, they will show up as single pixel dots.
- The RECEIVE clipping indicator: the red clipping indicator will stay red if there was any clipping in the audio you are receiving from your connection partner.
- The RECEIVE volume fader: the volume fader that can be used to adjust the input level of the channel. The amount of gain applied is displayed in the level display under the volume fader.
- The RECEIVE mute button: clicking this button will mute the output of the SEND channel.
- The LEAVE button, in order to leave the call.
- The CONNECTION TIME INDICATOR, in HH:MM:SS format, allowing you to know how long you have been on the call with your connection partner.
- The NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS on your call.