The Connections Panel in Source-Connect Talent 4.0
The CONNECTIONS tab in Source-Connect displays the list of participants you are connected to during a session, in addition to the following properties for each one of them:

- Icons when they are using the Restore/Replace functionalities (the icons, in order, are for Active restore and replace processes, or data uploads).
- The user's full name and profile picture, as configured in the Source Elements dashboard.
- The SEND level meter, which displays your send level. If the meter moves into the orange or red areas of the meter, you are likely to experience sound distortions and a lower quality of your signal.
- The SEND peak hold: an indicator of the highest level caught by Source-Connect. In the case of stereo or surround, they will show up as single pixel dots.
- The SEND volume fader: the volume fader that can be used to adjust the output level of the channel. The amount of gain applied is displayed in the level display under the volume fader.
- The SEND clipping indicator: the red clipping indicator will stay red if there was any clipping in the audio you are sending to your connection partner.
- The SEND mute button: clicking this button will mute the output of the SEND channel.
- The SEND bitrate (which depends on the Quality option you select in the SEND Default Connection Options), sample rate (determined by your hardware or virtual device), and channel count (which depends on the Channels you select in the SEND Default Connection Options).