Automatic reconnection on Source-Connect 4
If your connection drops during a conference, Source-Connect 4 will automatically try to reconnect for you. It will keep attempting to reconnect in the background, so you don’t need to do anything. You’ll see a message on your screen letting you know that Source-Connect 4 is trying to reconnect. As soon as your connection is back, you’ll be returned to the call without losing your conference with your connection partner(s).

Source-Connect 4 will keep trying to reconnect until either you or your connection partner leave the call or close the application. There’s no limit on how many times it will try, so it will keep going as long as the app is open and you’re in the call. This means you can stay focused on your conversation and trust that the app will get you back in as soon as possible.
When your connection is re-established, you will see a message on the Logs screen as well.