Compatibility between Source-Connect 4 and Source-Connect 3
You will not be able to connect between version 3 and 4.
Please read below for details and workarounds.
Source-Connect 4.0 has been completely redesigned to improve performance, stability, security & encryption, and future potential.
Source-Connect 3 however does not have any security features nor is it encrypted: which means, we cannot connect to version 4.
However, you can run Source-Connect 4 and Source-Connect 3 on the same computer very easily.
In the following image, you can see that user kymbre_rodriguez is logged into both Source-Connect 3 (right) and Source-Connect 4 (left) at the same time. Her contacts Hadyn Ethan and Martin Linus are logged in to Source-Connect 4, while her contact Eveline Anna is only logged into Source-Connect 3.
By default, Kymbre, Hadyn and Martin will be able to talk when she connects to them in Source-Connect 4. And Kymbre and Eveline talk when she connects to them in Source-Connect 3. But Haydn and Martin will not be able to talk to Eveline.
However: if Kymbre created an audio route between them in her DAW, Kymbre could connect to all of her contacts at the same time if she wanted.

What about managing contacts and my profile?
Features such as your dashboard profile, subscriptions, and support contracts are completely compatible with older versions of Source-Connect (such as 3.9 and 3.8).
What about my DAW setup and workflows?
Features such as Restore/Replace, the Source-Connect I/O plugin (now I/O), and the Remote Transport Sync (RTS) feature are not backwards compatible: each has a new and much improved implementation. Please see each section for the new working methods.
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