Installing and Uninstalling Source-Connect on Windows
Download the latest available software from the Downloads section of the User Dashboard webpage.

Open the EXE installer and follow the instructions. If you want to install the Source-Connect I/O, make sure you allow the application to make all required changes. All plugins and the PACE License Service will be installed. Find more information about Source-Connect I/O on this article.
Uninstalling Source-Connect on Windows
To uninstall Source-Connect, click the start icon and type in “Add or remove programs”. Then, search or Source-Connect and click the uninstall button. Down below, you will see the workflow for Windows 10 and Windows 11.

You can also use the installer and click “Uninstall” instead. We recommend using this method, since the Source-Connect installer will also remove the Source-Connect I/O and the PACE License Service.

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