Known Issues with Source-Connect 4
Pro Tools 2022.09 and the Source-Connect I/O
Please note that there is a known compatibility issue with the Source-Connect I/O and Pro Tools 2022.09 where the plugin crashes.
If you are using that version of Pro Tools, please upgrade to Pro Tools 2023.3 to avoid any issues.
Restore/Replace on Windows with 16-bit Source-Nexus I/O
The newer versions of Source-Nexus I/O install the driver at 32-bit by default. However, legacy versions of the Source-Nexus driver on Windows are set to 16-bit by default after the driver is installed.
Due to how Windows processes 16-bit audio in general, the Restore/Replace process will not work (nothing will be displayed in the Restore/Replace panel, and no background processes will run) when doing a Restore/Replace process with Source-Nexus I/O 16-bit.
Using the Source-Nexus I/O at 32-bit will not cause any issues.