Managing your Contacts List on Source-Connect 4
The contacts list will always be visible on Source-Connect, on the right-hand side of the application, in A-Z order. There is also a search bar that you can use to find specific users.
Additional details are available for your users when you click the contact details icon to the right of each individual contact.
There are three possible states for your contacts:
- Online, meaning users are available for you to call them.
- Busy, meaning they are either in a call or have just left one. Wait for them to be Online before adding them to a multi-person call or calling them directly.
- Offline, meaning users are fully offline or have marked themselves as offline (Studio/Facility only).
Adding New Contacts
To add a new Contact, open your profile menu and “Manage Profile”.
You will be directed to your dashboard profile page. Once there, go to “Find a Source” and simply search or browse for the contact you wish to add. Then, click on the “Add” button. You must be logged into the dashboard to manage contacts.

Newly added Contacts may not be immediately visible in your list while you are logged into Source-Connect. If you have added a new Contact, or know that a Contact has added you, please log out, and log back in to refresh the list.
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