Source-Connect Pro: Setting session parameters - Overview
This article is part of the Source-Connect Pro and Pro X 3.9 User Guide
To modify your settings, select the Settings tab.
Audio I/O
You will set your Audio I/O settings here, including whether to send and receive in Mono, Stereo, or Surround, and the sample rate of 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 88.2 kHz, 96 kHz, 176.4 kHz and 192 kHz. See this article for instructions on using Source-Connect Link.
Network Settings
Ultimately the actual capability of your network connection will determine the consistency of your sending and receiving reception. However you can optimize the quality of reception with the bitrate, buffer and resilience settings you choose to use.

The following network parameters can be specified:
- Send Settings (Bitrate and Resilience)
- Receive Settings (Port, Buffer, Restore and Replace)
You can also test and view the status of the specific UDP ports via the Port Test button.
General Preferences
You can choose to have Source-Connect as a floating window with the Always on Top option. This is useful when you are working in Pro Tools for example, and want to monitor the connection. This option helps to make Source-Connect ‘feel’ like a plug-in.
You also have several alert options:
- Alert repeat: single, repeat (until connection time-out), or none
- Alert level: 0db to -25db
- On request: ask, accept last or accept all
The ‘on request->accept last’ will automatically allow the last connection partner to reconnect. This can be helpful during debugging or sessions that may be having network difficulties. ‘Accept all’ is useful if you are not going to be in front the computer to accept the connection request.
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