Troubleshooting for Source-Connect 3.9 Pro
This article is part of the Source-Connect Pro and Pro X 3.9 User Guide
The Support section of the website provides much more detail on troubleshooting.
Most issues are network related, you should follow the Network Guide.
A quick overview of common issues follows:
Low audio quality, many artifacts
Try to reduce your bitrate and increase the buffer size. You may also be experiencing hardware issues: for example, check that your hardware matches your session sample-rate and try increasing your hardware playback buffer size.
Audio is clicking on a regular basis
Because Source-Connect 3.9 is outside of Pro Tools and has a low processor footprint, you should not see any CPU-related recording issues. Most Pro Tools HD issues are related to clock source inconsistencies. Verify that your clock is set correctly, and that the Mac’s I/O is set up to sync with the correct clock source.
The clock source settings can be found under the Audio Midi Setup application in Applications->Utilities.
Automatically disconnected, ‘Connection reset by peer’ dialogue
There may be severe network congestion occurring. This can happen if you are inside a LAN where many other users are downloading and uploading large files. Reduce your bitrate, increase the buffer size and reconnect.
User has suddenly gone offline
In the event of an unexpected disconnect, due to hardware, software or network failure, your remote user may not re-appear until the server has recognized that they have timed-out. This can take up to 60 seconds. To expedite the process of the server recognizing that a user has inadvertently logged out, users can log out and log back in.
See the following section on Known Issues for additional information.