The Source-Nexus Review plugin controls at a first glance
When you first drop the Source-Nexus Review plugin onto a master track on your DAW, you will see the Source-Nexus Review user interface. The plugin’s look might look different on different DAWs, but it will always have the same functionalities.
You will see two sets of controls:
- Controls for the level meter components
- Controls specific to Source-Nexus Review
The following diagrams will include quick, summarized information. For more detailed information on each of the controls, click on the hyperlinks under the diagrams.
Level Meter Component Controls

- Mute buttons: each channel has a mute button, clicking this button will mute the output of that channel.
- Clipping indicator: the red clipping indicator will stay red if there was any clipping in the audio.
- Fader: each channel has a volume fader that can be used to adjust the output level of the channel. Double click or alt/option+click it to set the fader to 0 dB. The amount of gain applied is displayed in the level display at the bottom of the channel.
- Peak hold: the highest level caught by Source-Nexus Review.
- Level display: the amount of gain being applied to the signal is displayed here. Double click to manually enter a value.
Source-Nexus Review Controls
Source-Nexus Review provides the following options:

- Talkback microphone: select your microphone input to send into the chat. Selecting “same as system” will use the currently selected system audio input device. Selecting “use key input” will use the key input/sidechain input of the plugin.
- Talkback switch: press and hold the backslash key to open your talkback, and release it to close. Clicking the talkback button will latch the talkback open. When using the backslash key to control your talkback, channels with dim enabled will be automatically dimmed.
- Dim selector: when the slider is ON, this channel will be dimmed when the global dim is engaged.
- Global Dim: clicking the dim button will temporarily lower the level of any channel with the dim selector turned on by 15 dB to make your talkback more audible over the mix and other audio and to help prevent feedback. Shift+down toggles the dim on and off. When using the backslash key to control the talkback switch, the dim is automatically engaged when the talkback is open.
- Source-Nexus launch button: this button will take you to the Source-Nexus landing page in your default web browser to start your session.
- Version number: the version of the Source-Nexus Review plugin that you are using. This is especially useful when contacting support in case of any issues.
- Preferences: additional settings for the plugin.
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