Invalid Q Manager settings and warnings
This article is part of the Source-Connect Standard 3.9 User Guide
If your Q Manager settings are invalid for some reason, you’ll be given a dialog warning. Possible warnings are:
- Invalid username or password
- Duplicate login, possibly on different machines
- Q Manager is unable to connect to the internet Invalid username or password
Invalid username or password

This means that your username and password are incorrectly entered, or your username has not been validated to work with Source-Connect 3.0 and up. If you are sure that your username and password are correct, you can validate your details simply by visiting the Download page on the Source Elements website:
Then click on the Download page for your Source-Connect version. The username and password that you are logging into the website with will now be validated to work with the Q Manager.
Duplicate login on different machines
If you see this error, it means that another computer is currently logged in with your username and password. If you choose to continue the other machine will be logged out. It will get this same message, so be aware that if someone else is seeing this you may have an issue of both of you not being able to login. It can also mean that your computer restarted unexpectedly, and the Q Manager did not manually log out, in which case you can ignore this message and continue with your login.
Q Manager cannot connect to the Internet
If the Q Manager cannot connect to the internet, perhaps due to a firewall settings or other network configuration issues, the status will be Offline. Check that your internet connection is working, and if you have a built-in firewall you will need to allow access to the Q Manager and Q Daemon.